"An uncanny ability and gift to get right in there, hit a nerve at its root, expose what needs to be looked at, only to allow the true deep down healing, forgiveness and love to begin.  Wasn't what I expected or wanted.  Sure am glad it happened. Thank you Lisa.  You helped me see that there is more than meets the eye and I am forever grateful to you for helping me see the light in a loving and caring space."  Gallery audience member, NYC  

Schedule Private Sessions Here

We reached out to Lisa J. for some insight into our work and family lives. We were apprehensive about a phone session rather than meeting her in person. However, once we started talking, it felt like talking to a friend that we had known for years! She put us at ease and got right to the heart of the issues. We really enjoyed the session. So much so, that we booked a second one! Call her. She’s genuine, knowledgeable and has a great sense of humor. The sessions were truly a gift to us.  David & Kimberly, MI

Hey Lisa. You might not remember me, but I remember you. A few years ago you did an hour reading for me.At the time my son was a slave to a heroin addiction. While we talked many things, you said that he was going to be OK, but it was going to be awhile. You also said that you saw him using his voice in a career. At the time I thought - that has to be wrong because his gift is drawing and art. But I remembered what you said. Well here is your validation. This past Sunday he became an on air personality at (name of station). He has done two shows so far and is a huge hit. It was the addiction that catapulted him into that field. I just want to thank you for the hope I was given by that message. Tonight I put you in the circle of light for protection and peace. I am going to sign up for a reading in the near future. I love messages from spirit.  Jane

What I want you to know: I was stuck in a deep and dark abyss of grief, and thanks to Lisa, I was able to move through to a point where I could begin to cope in a more productive way. She helped me progress through my healing, and I will forever be thankful. You are amazing. Lisa, you helped me get through the worst grief and pain when my husband first passed away. The messages your were able to pass on to me gave me the peace and comfort that I needed to get through each day. There were so many valid messages that you gave me that only my husband would say or know - I was blown away. Lisa N. Bloomfield, MI

When my dog Toby died a little over 3 years ago I asked if you could tell me something about his passing. You told me he had a peaceful passing and that an older woman was there to take care of him. ( I realized it was my mother). He told me not to cry but if I do he would lick my tears away. I came away with your message that he was okay and that he went peacefully. Mary Hickory, NC

You have helped me clear out all the static and see the truth in making a very difficult decision. After talking to you, I felt lighter and able to move forward, not so stuck in my own head. You have been 100% right about everything you said every time we've spoken. Your gift has been such a blessing to me and I enjoy every conversation! April N., MI

Prior to my time working with Lisa J. Smith, I always knew I had a gift of getting messages and communication from spirit. For a long time I struggled to define these messages from spirit and I really felt that I was in a state of confusion. I spent many years reading books, watching videos and talking to others only to feel frustrated on how to manage my ability to clarify messages from spirit. Fast forward 20+ years and I found Lisa J. Smith and her group of psychic students. Without any question it felt right to join her group of like-minded and spirit driven people. This is the point in my life where things completely changed for me while under Lisa’s guidance. After spending time with Lisa J. Smith, I learned so many things I could probably write my own book, but the message that I would like to give others is this; this course gave me a freedom to speak and clarify messages from spirit. This clarity was good for “reading” others seeking answers from spirit, but also good for me to manage my own life. During this time of training with Lisa, I was able to move from a state of confusion to a state of confidence in that I was able to be comfortable with communicating spirit images and messages. Without a doubt, my time with Lisa J. Smith was truly a positive life changing event for me. I would rate her training and course a solid 10 out of 10. I would say if you are somehow reading my comment, there is an absolute reason why you have been drawn to Lisa J. Smith. Safe Journeys…Paul B., Nashville, TN

Hi Lisa, I had to write you and I hope you get this email. I just want to thank you for all the great energy you have sent my way and for the encouragement, healing, and understanding your words often bring me. I was having a difficult weekend and early morning but after reading the last notes that I took during our last conversation, I was able to remember your perspective and guidance. It's been a few weeks since our last conversation and you continue to have a positive influence on me. Thank you so much and I wish you many blessings! Rafael, FL 

Before I met Lisa J. Smith I wasn't too familiar with inner child/ adult work. She explained to me how often as adults we use our inner child and the effect it has on our daily lives. And boy was my inner child running the show! I was feeling anxious, fearful, powerless and I had chaos in many situations in my life. My mind felt clouded and unorganized, just adding to the mess I was in.Working with Lisa, she began to help me identify when I was letting my inner child take control and how this felt in my body. She gave me "homework", which were tools I would use in moments of mayhem. I often referred to her advice whenever things began to feel out of sync and crazy.  After working with Lisa, life greatly changed for me. I no longer allowed myself to feel the need to please everyone around me, living more authentically to my own feelings.  Not looking for constant approval or validation for my life. I also began to have more confidence in my own inner guidance and information trusting I knew what was best for me.  Thank you Lisa J. Smith! xoxo  S.H., Los Angeles, CA 10/2/16

Lisa J. Smith's crystal clear insight surpasses the limits of this physical world, allowing her to bring through valuable information just for you. She's empowered my life and I have found so much peace and focus, that I've never felt before. Thank you Lisa J. for the talk earlier today. As I have sat here knowing that I should be resting if I want to get rid of this yuck, my mind can't stop. Isn't that something we discussed? I have gone over the notes that I scribbled. At the time there were things I didn't want to examine or admit to myself were true. But, I get it. My inner child has been in control "playing" at being adult for so long. Time to be the adult and take care of her needs and pay attention to my own. I normally try not to post personal things on FB. But today I did post the thoughts that were playing over and over in my mind. You helped to put so much into perspective for me. And maybe, just maybe, my thoughts and realizations can reach someone who can benefit. Thank you again Lisa. Thank you for all you do for the people who seek clarity. YI have and will continue to recommend you. You have always been fun and easy to talk to and completely accurate. Love to you. Anna M. - WA 9/29/16

Lisa J. Smith is an incredibly gifted woman, who sincerely loves to help people live their best lives.  I can truly say that with her help and guidance I am living my best and truest life and I couldn't have done it without her.

Hey there! So a few years back my grandma passed away and I wrote to you through your website and read my email. You said my grandma came through and said she can breathe again and that her legs/feet don't hurt anymore. Those 2 things were so spot on I'll remember those words until the day I die. Thank you so much! I love SO much all that you do!  J., MN

Hellooooo....You know, I have been trying for years to find the kind of workshop/ teaching/supportive thingy that you did with us, and nothing compares.  It was so tangible and spirit was so prevalent!!! Sandee, MI

Lisa, I was at one of your galleries and what stuck out the most is your honesty and down to earth personality.  You are so on the mark with what is going on in one's life.  You told me about my grandmother and that she was trying to send me messages and that I would be hearing a phone ring.  I heard the ring but no number came up on the phone. When I picked it up no one was there but I got a warm kiss feeling over my cheek.   I started crying and I heard, "I'm always with you Barb" but I only knew how she would saw "Barb."  I KNEW IT WAS MY GRANDMOTHER and no one is ever going to convince me that it wasn't.  It was at a low point in my life and I just needed that. I am FOREVER grateful to Lisa for this message.  Thank you Lisa, you are still number one in my book!!!  Barb, MI

I had an amazing phone session with you yesterday morning.  Within the first few minutes, you not only tapped into my heart and my health, but also my history. The hour flew by and I have pages filled with notes from the many truths and validations you gave me from Spirit. I felt very safe & blessed with your kind words of wisdom and guidance.  

Lisa, I've always liked your messages.  I had readings with you and you are awesome and truthful, even if some people don't want to hear what you say in their messages, you speak the truth.  That is what and how this should be done.  We we all love you here in Detroit and the surrounding areas.  Keep speaking from the heart my friend!!!  We love you.  Barbra, MI

Hi Lisa, Years ago you picked me out of a group at the Birmingham Community House and gave me messages from my dad. You had told me if I see a black butterfly with red on it's wings, it was my dad watching me. I wanted to let you know that the day my step mom re-buried him (long story), I was feeling down. I went to the mall after with my sister and my mom and my favorite/only store I go to had a shirt with black and white butterflies with red dots at the very front of the store on the rack facing the middle of the mall. There have been numerous times I have seen similar butterflies and before then I was not even aware of such a butterfly.  Also, I told you I saw a light ship before and you told me it might've been higher dimensional beings. I have been working on my chakras with a meditation by Doreen Virtue, and asking for clear signs from the angels, and I get them all the time. Your contributions to my life have helped give me confidence to pursue writing about my experiences with spirit in the business world. I intend to marry spirituality and love with business. I was supposed to be a legacy in insurance so I am definitely getting a lot of attention from people. I am a bit nervous but you're supposed to feel the fear and do it anyway right? Life is very, very interesting. I just wanted to say thank you for lighting that spark of interest in me. Very healing experience. Thank you! Sincerely, Julie T., MI

Thank you Lisa J. Smith!  My reading yesterday was amazingly insightful and you gave me the validation I needed to hear.  You are a brilliant intuitive.  I highly recommend your services to anyone who is looking for guidance and a clear connection to spirit!!  Thanks again!  You are a true Rock star!!!!!   Silvia, Los Angeles, CA

Lisa, Thank you so much for your reading today. There is no doubt it allowed me to make the most of this time with my beautiful mom.  I will remember what was revealed today, always. You rock xoxoxoxo ...but you already know that!!! ...or you should...Sandy, MI

I received a reading from you a few years ago in Indiana. You were so right in everything that you said to me. I feel like it was a blessing to be there and have the reading from my great uncle. I have loved living the past few years knowing he is watching over me. I am expecting my first child in Nov and know he will be watching her also. Thank you so much for doing readings you will never know how it changed my life.  Tabitha B., IN

I listened to Lisa 3 years on radio and she changed my world!  She is the "Real Thing" !!  I wasn't a believer until she brought forth my Past and helped me understand why and even told me things no one knew and could never be guessed!!  I listened to many others who Lisa helped change their lives too! Carolyn W., MI
What a wonderful feeling I have today!!!  I just wanted to share with you a quote I found from an AMAZING woman I met this weekend, Lisa J. Smith, "We are amazing if we would just believe in ourselves and trust we will be OK!" I love this!!! Just BELIEVE and I learned so much this weekend and I remembered how to BELIEVE in myself again!!!  Jennifer, MI

You have no idea how much your reading meant to me and my family. Thank you for doing what you do. It was a life changing experience for me.  Nicole

I want to thank you for all you have done for me in the 2 years since my daughter Kara died. You have given me the strength to pick up the pieces and live life. You have no idea what the messages from Kara have done for me. I am truly blessed to have found you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Bobbi, Dallas, TX

Hey Lisa,  Just wanted you to know how much I appreciate listening to you & your show. I just left an emotionally abusive husband after 10 years & was basically disowned by my mother because of it. Listening to you and your awesomely positive show has been so helpful to me while getting through this. And I gotta say, I've never been happier now that I found my self worth & you helped me to get here!!!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart. ♥ Rock on, Becky, MI

Lisa, I enjoyed our recent session so much, and have gone back through my notes several times, just to review the amazing things we talked about.  You are like a life-long friend that knows me, my family and my friends, and just pops in for an hour at the kitchen table, and helps me figure out what it all means.  Absolutely incredible!!!  You are so special Lisa .... no gimmicks, no tricks, just the truth as you see it.  J. CA

Just wanted to say thank you for putting your book 36 months together and sharing it. It has helped me so much, I use it as a devotional but also when I am struggling. When I use it I ask to be revealed what it is I'm supposed to have for the day and open to a random page instead of just reading it from front to back. it's just been so amazing to me and it has helped SO MUCH!!!  Big Hugs Lisa can't wait to see you next year!!! Jennifer K.F., MI

Lisa J. Smith is a key asset to New Sky Radio. She brings a unique perspective, a sense of fun with our listeners and most of all, dedicated fans to our station. Tim Roberts , Operations Manager, Entercom, Detroit

I believe that listening to Lisa my life has changed for the better. Lisa just makes me laugh and "shake" off the "crap" that isn't mine.  I am no longer owning other people's "stuff".  Joenelle Ramirez-Ray, Michigan

OK here's the deal. We will walk right by a flower, yet go out of our way to see a car wreck. What is wrong with us? Something beautiful that is on daily is Lisa J. Smith's, "Lisa J. NOW" is daily, REAL radio program, that focuses on the positive and the beautiful in life, don't just walk by without checking it out. Walk on warriors.  SGM, MI

OHHhhh  Love that you talked about the feeling of being "here" & also at the same time a QUICK glimpse of "there & then"  WE NEED MORE TIME!!  GREAT show!! had a WILD experience of that during a myofascial release session a few months ago & if I had NOT been listening to you for the fast year & a half I would have FREAKED out!!  but I told myself  "you are OK, Look, look at your body you are safe & fine" & the messages that I heard were WILD & WONDERFUL & so AMAZING!!!   THANKS AGAIN SO MUCH for being here!! & Showing up to DO what YOU do!!!!  Love YOU!!  xOxo  Jamie, AZ

Lisa, Your clairvoyance and quintessence is truly amazing. You helped me to remember who I am and guided me back to faith. Your essence is a beacon of light for those who have lost their way. Angie B., Royal Oak, MI

I can't believe how accurate and dead on your reading was!! I listen to it quite often and love it . The validations you gave me were such amazing truths about my dad and not just anyone could have known the things you said. Thanks Lisa, keep up the good readings ~!!!!  YOU ROCK!  Cyndi, Concord, CA

In my not-so-humble opinion, Lisa J. Smith is destined to be a spiritual Super Star. Her Real World approach to readings emphasizes the prevailing energy of what is happening and will definitely enhance your clarity. Bill, Founder, Achieve Radio

I am a Rock star!! Thanks to Lisa J I have the ability to recognize this in myself and feel the strength of it from my nose to my toes. I am grateful you shared this philosophy and how to own it. I now carry this amazing inner glow from the inside out. You will always hold a special place in my heart as well as be a part of my journey, story and growth. For you I am grateful and blessed ♥ Love you Lisa!!   Mic B.,  New Jersey

In my opinion you have the drive, voice and personality to be a FORCE in your business.  Rick Johnson, CA

Had the best most cathartic reading by Lisa J. Smith the other day! Thanks Lisa! I believe you changed my life and catapulted me to where I need to be! Sheri G. Ferndale, MI

Very, very, very inspiring. You speak to our hearts, you do not get that very often. So thank you very much.  Gord from Ontario

I cry every time I hear Lisa’s program. It is not her messages. It is not her situation nor mine. But I feel something in the vibrations of her voice that just chills the hairs on my arms every time. She is a true angelic rock star. Anonymous

Lisa, I have started to breath and WOW what a difference.  Thank you!!  I feel more grounded now.  Like you say on the radio, you need to focus on you, I will begin to focus on me and what I want.  I need to learn to live in the now and stop worrying about the things that I can't change.  I am done being taken advantage of and I need to know that I am worthy of having everything that I desire I want to thank you for helping me, listening to you on the radio has really made a wonderful difference in my life, Thank you Lisa!  Holly  Novi,  MI

You are the "Bomb" Your graciousness and patience and willingness to listen, lightens our emotional load. Your ability to "tap" into what's underneath & bring it to the forefront, allows us to let go of the old and lift the spirit within to shine and to be the best & the highest we can be! Thank you for helping me & others step onto the path we are truly meant to follow.  Shari D. Aurora, CO

HEY HEY HEY Lisa J, Thanks for being YOU and being THERE for so many Also, wanted to express my gratitude - your light, your vibration always picks me up, even when I think I can't possibly get any higher I DO!  Kelly, MN
Dear Lisa, I am so thankful for you, Lisa Joy!! You have changed the face of psychics for me. And thus changed my life immeasurably.   When I first heard the add for Psychic radio I was like well, I just don’t know if it's going to be like the bad 80's hot line things. But the first time I tuned in it was you!!! And well I was just blown away with what you said and your "being". You were so fresh and normal and fun and smart and compassionate--It was just really incredible that you were you and psychic radio even got allowed on the airwaves because it's that good--great energy! Bless you, my gratitude and love for you know no time and space it is from the beginning, now and ever shall be. Hugs, Courtney, NY

Hi there Lisa, I just love your show!  I've only been listening for about a week.  I found it by accident, (well, we know that is not true), but nonetheless, I came across the psychic radio show from a link from another show. I am so happy I have found you!  I listen when I work with headsets.  Listening keeps me inspired.  I started a new job a few weeks ago.  I'm actually in broadcasting as well.  I had been out of broadcasting for several years, but had been yearning to get back into what I love, broadcasting.  God/Universe blessed me with this job (working at a national broadcasting outlet), and psychic radio! Keep doing what you're doing, and I'll keep listening!  Sondra~Atlanta, GA

Dear Lisa, I wanted to let you know that I really do love your show (I am always excited to listen to you during your first segment especially).  I listen daily and really believe you provide wonderful insight.  Thanks to AOL radio I found your show about 2 months ago; sorry it has not been longer!  I apply your dialect to scenarios in my life and because of it, I find strength and healing where I never knew it existed. Love and light!   Thank you, kindly, Jennie in North Florida (Jacksonville to be exact!)

Your reading was truly amazing.  You helped me connect with my father in ways I never imagined.  I feel so much better now knowing he is still with me and my family.  It brought me so much joy to hear him speak to you, giving me guidance and "validation".  Thank you so much for everything.  Your gift is truly special and I will recommend you to anyone looking to talk to someone who has crossed over.  Keith in Los Angeles, CA  
Lisa, As usual your newsletter hit the nail right on the head. Sometimes I feel like you're writing it especially for me. I got laid off from my job last week, and now I'm faced with finding a new job, that I really like, instead of one at which I just feel safe and stable. Your message this week was just what I needed. Somehow, before I even opened it, I knew it would pertain to me losing my job. I'm so lucky that I found you and your newsletter. Thank you for what you do.  Love, Kelly   MI

Lisa, You are like a chiropractor for the soul/spirit.  After talking to you today, I feel like you shifted me back into my center and I feel like I had an adjustment for my spirit.  Thank you so much. You really helped me.  Johnny B., Madison Heights, MI

I am still thinking about all the messages that came through from my Grandmother and Mom and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my entire being.  I guess that it's that whole heart and head connection thing.  Sometimes you think in your head that you are OK with something, but your heart needs something completely different. My heart got what it needed from your reading.  Thanks 1,000,000 and more!  Kara, Jupiter, FL

Lisa, I love your show and while I am at work I listen to it daily, It's such a peaceful time for me because all show long I feel so comfortable and at peace and every little bit of advice you give to strangers I look and take into my own life.  Vincent, L.A.

Hi Lisa, Wanted to thank you for helping me this past week by just being on the air. My test results came back negative and I can't be more happier. Well I probably could but I am very happy. Your show helped my nerves stay calm for the hours you were on and you were right I was gonna be ok. So thanks so much.  T.

Dear Lisa, I am a new listener and yesterday was the first time that I heard your show live.  You brought me to tears for sure....not bad tears...but good tears !!  Your heartfelt discussion about yourself filled me to the soul.  Judy C., Rochester, NY

Lisa, Thank God, for your show this week.  To know, that i am not the only one going through this.  By your courageous honesty I have been able to face and feel my own.  Sometimes, I try to avoid, or ignore, the pain in my life, the messages from spirit, and it is so much harder when I do that. By you revealing your own process I am able to find. I am able to touch into a place that is raw and painful but full of so much beauty and so much connection to source. So thank you for the gift, and the reminder we are all connected and all one.    Zoey M.

Lisa, I have to tell you how much I enjoy your show.  I find it very relaxing and inspiring and usually just what I need when I'm having a bad day.  Bart B.

Lisa, my son is doing much better, all thanks to you!! :) I could never put into words how much I appreciate what you did for him and what it means to me. I saw a peace come over him that I don't think he has truly ever felt within himself. I will forever be indebted to you, Lisa, for saving my baby boy :') If I can help you by telling others our story, just tell me where and I'm there. You gave him closure and you gave me more days on this earth with my son. ♥   Deanna, MI

My name is Cyndi and I was blessed by our conversation one day back when you were doing a radio talk show on Sky radio.  At first I was skeptical about asking a psychic if she could help find my cat "Sugar," but then you started saying things that actually could be true and with such accurate details , I couldn’t help but open up to the fact that you might be real.  Well on this particular day the radio show was slow and there weren’t any other callers at the time so you allowed me to ask another question. I asked about my stepdad Larry and whether or not he was disappointed in me for still being an addict.  The reading you gave me changed my life Lisa. The validations and the messages you conveyed to me that day were so AMAZINGLY POWERFUL that I quit using drugs shortly after that!!!  It’s been 5 years now and my life has changed so much! I have thought about you often and still listen to the podcast of my reading often. So, I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH LISA!!! You are the best at what you do and I really would love to set up a private reading with you. Thanks again, Cyndi, 3/27/16

Lisa J. Smith

 Contact Information: 

Lisa J. Smith

  (248) 593-5227 


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