Lisa J. Smith brings a wealth of experience and insight as a former CBS Radio nationwide talk show host, renowned author of two books and two courses on DailyOM—namely, "Reparent Your Inner Child" and "Talking to Dead People."

Originally from Detroit, MI, Lisa has called diverse locales home, including Ojai, CA, Denver, CO, and her current residence in Las Vegas, NV. With a career spanning over 18 years, she offers individual messages ranging from intimate sessions to workshops, development classes, and enlightening lectures, alongside frequent media appearances.

As an intuitive, medium, and energy worker, Lisa is celebrated for her role as a psychic medium who transcends mere predictions, preferring direct connection without tools like Tarot. She intuitively senses, sees, hears, and knows what is necessary to deliver messages from Spirit. Clients seek her guidance for profound shifts in perspective, clarity, validations from beyond, and a deeper understanding of their lives.

Some regard Lisa as an intuitive life coach, appreciating her approach of imparting intuitive messages rather than directives, empowering individuals to navigate their paths independently. She reads energies adeptly, providing insights from the present, the spirit world, even past lives when pertinent, helping countless worldwide find clarity and transform their lives through her diverse platforms.

Lisa extends her expertise as a business consultant, fostering productivity and synergy across businesses of all sizes. With a B.A. in psychology and developmental psychology, she holds multiple certificates in healing modalities such as Usui Reiki Master/Teacher, Seichim/Sekhem, and All Love Master/Teacher.

Her authored works, "Message of the Moment" and "36 Months," available on Amazon, showcase her depth of insight and practical wisdom. Lisa has contributed to paranormal panels nationwide, appeared as a guest on television shows, and passionately educates global audiences on embracing intuition and inner knowing.

Lisa J. Smith's mission resonates in her guiding principle: "I help you understand your humanity by working with your Spirit." Wherever you are, Lisa's presence and guidance are a beacon of illumination and empowerment.