I have worked with several businesses with their employee hiring, employee coaching, team building, and overall better business practices. I tap into each potential new candidate to give you a different way of "knowing" who you're hiring before the costly process of new employee hiring.  

  • Learn the strengths and weaknesses of potential and current employees to save you both time and money
  • Learn how to motivate each employee for greater work productivity and happier employees
  • Learn how to communicate better with your employees for greater productivity and maximum employee motivation

"Lisa J. has worked with several businesses to help them to become even more successful.  By working with management on all levels, she helps create better communication systems and offers team-building skills, all to increase productivity and revenue.  Let Lisa help you to discover a unique way to help your company be its best.  Lisa can help you and your employees to be more successful today for greater success tomorrow".

(248) 593-5227                                                                                                                                                                             
