What are audience readings?

Audience readings are conducted either privately at the client's chosen location or in public venues, such as "An Evening with Lisa J.," for a flat fee. These sessions resemble what you might see on television, yet I differ in a unique way—I am not drawn to specific individuals. All spirits are consistently seeking to connect, making every interaction meaningful.

During these events, I encourage attendees to ask questions and provide the first name of the person they wish to connect with. To ensure fairness, a lottery system is often employed when the group is larger, typically ranging from 10 to 12 participants. This approach ensures that most attendees receive messages and validations from their loved ones during the session.

Why do you only do phone sessions?  How can you give me a reading if I'm not there?  

Every day, I get this question, and here's how I clarify it: Energy transcends time and space. Whether you're here and I'm there, or we're worlds apart, energy operates universally—it can be felt, heard, seen, and sensed. My ability to perceive and understand this energy means I can connect and provide assistance regardless of physical distance.

I intuitively see, hear, sense, feel, and simply "know" what is necessary to be of service and help you. Energy, as guided by spirit, flows freely without boundaries that only the human mind perceives as "here" and "there." This understanding allows me to bridge gaps and offer guidance wherever you may be, demonstrating that spirit operates beyond earthly limitations.

Why do you not have an office?

I can operate from any location and don't require a fixed workspace. The majority of my work involves presentations, galleries, and private events. For one-on-one sessions, most of my clients are spread across the country and around the globe, so sessions are typically conducted over the phone.

Having maintained an office for several years, I eventually realized it was unnecessary and occupied space that could be better utilized. Working remotely allows me to serve a broader audience since many of my clients reside where I am not physically present. Spirit and energy are not confined by boundaries, whether we connect in person or remotely—it remains equally effective either way.

Have you always known you were intuitive?

I always had a knowingness within me, even though I wasn't fully aware of what it meant. Looking back, what seemed so natural to me at the time, I later realized was not the norm for everyone. I don't recall many distinct 'experiences' from my childhood, except for a few occasions when I saw my grandparents and friends, which bewildered me more than scared me—I simply didn't comprehend what was happening.

Reflecting on this, I'm motivated to educate children and their parents about these phenomena, to provide understanding and clarity. I firmly believe that information leads to knowledge, and knowledge brings wisdom. When we understand what's happening spiritually, we can approach it from a grounded and clear perspective, allowing spiritual experiences to uplift us rather than unsettle us.

My mantra remains: "Information is knowledge, and knowledge is wisdom." This philosophy guides my mission to demystify spiritual encounters and empower others to embrace them with openness and understanding.

How do you get your information?

I perceive, see, feel, taste, sense, and intuitively know. However your loved ones on the other side or their messages need to reach you, they find a way to do so using all my abilities. There is no one way for me. I just know what i know through impression and pass that on to you. 

Do you work with animals?

Yes! Energy is energy, whether it manifests as an animal, a person who has transitioned, or someone present in the physical realm. I tune into this energy and convey the messages I receive. Animals, being energy themselves, naturally come through to affirm that they are always by your side.! Energy is energy.

Do you know what energy healing is and can you do it?

Yes, I am an Usui Reiki Master and a SEICHIM-SEKHEM-REIKI (SSR) Practitioner.  I also work with crystals, stones, and other natural elements I feel guided to use.  I incorporate the previous modalities into my healing sessions as guided.

Did you go to college?

I went to Michigan State University after high school.  I then graduated from  Wayne State University from Detroit, MI. I have a BA in Psychology.  I also have a certificate in Developmental Psychology.

What is your radio show about?  When can I expect to hear is back on the radio again?

It's about nothing and everything all at one time. I always joke that it is like Seinfeld, Friends, Fraser and Cheers (does that date me?) all rolled into one.  It's heartfelt, fun, full of information, life changing, empowering, and entertaining.  We laugh, we cry, we share stories, we lift each other up and most of give of ourselves, for ourselves, and then for others. Lisa J. NOW! is my 'DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH'.  I'm so blessed to share my platform with great authors, motivational leaders, spiritual leaders, and most of all my listeners.   After all, it is our show...not just my show!  I don't know when but I look forward to connecting with you soon.

I hear some people say that being Psychic and Mediumship is a gift?  Do you believe that we're all psychic?

Yes, everyone possesses the gift of intuition. I believe intuition is inherent to us, like breathing—it's something we all use daily without always realizing it. It's akin to gravity; always present, yet we notice its absence only in its removal. Most of us won't experience zero gravity firsthand, so we rely on the accounts of those who have. Similarly, intuition operates in our lives.

 We often strain to manufacture meaning from what already exists. When we allow things to unfold naturally, the adage "when the student is ready, the teacher appears" becomes apparent. A common mistake is expecting things to manifest in specific ways. Just as no two people are identical, our methods of receiving information differ. Spirit leverages our beliefs, experiences, and familiarities to communicate with us. What may resonate for some won't necessarily resonate for others. Trusting oneself and accepting intuition as it is crucial. The messages we receive are primarily meant for us before we share them with others.

Are you ever scared of spirits?

No, people scare me more than spirits.  Although, I'm reaLLY not interested in the "dark" side of the paranormal.  I'm guided to help people in other ways.

Do you believe in God?

My beliefs transcend organized religion. My mother is Jewish, and my father is Catholic, and I consider it a blessing to have grown up with equal respect for all faiths and people. I do not pass judgment. Having parents from different faiths has gifted me with a deep faith and love for all that exists, surpassing many I've met who were raised within a single religion. I believe in the beauty of humanity lies in each person finding what resonates for them. As diverse as people are in the world, there are just as many paths to each individual's concept of "God". Live and let live!

A woman came up to me and said that I had a negative energy around me and she could help me remove it.   It really scared me and I don't know what to do.  She said I had a curse and she could take it off me if I worked with her weekly for the next 6 months.  She wanted to charge me a lot of money.  A lot of what she told me was true about myself so now I am so confused. How did she know that about me?  What do I do?

Please WALK AWAY.  It's likely that this person is a fraud using their supposed 'psychic' abilities to scam you out of significant amounts of money. If anyone ever makes such claims, they are exploiting you and potentially taking advantage of your vulnerability. Even if you visit a 'reader' and they suggest similar things, it's crucial not to believe them. Trust your instincts; if you feel uncomfortable, leave right away. These individuals manipulate fears and undermine your personal power. It doesn't negate the fact that they may have some intuitive abilities—they're simply misusing them to exploit people rather than empower them. It's essential to report them to prevent them from victimizing others and raise awareness about this issue.

How soon would you recommend someone calling you after the passing of a loved one?

The key is not when they are ready, but when you are ready to receive their messages. Energy transcends time and space beyond the physical realm. In my experience supporting families during the transition of their loved ones, I've found that there isn't a "waiting" period as commonly believed or stated. Loved ones consistently make their presence known. While the messages may not always be what you hope for, they invariably provide what you truly need.

Why do you do what you do?  What is it you do anyway?

I'm passionate about what I do because I love it deeply and feel a strong guidance to continue every day. Each day brings something new, and every message I deliver has the power to transform lives, including my own. My work revolves around using intuition to offer people fresh perspectives on their situations. I often advocate for the idea that "Change your Perception, Change your Life." One aspect I particularly enjoy is using my intuition to validate my clients' connections with loved ones who have passed. I don't reveal anything new to them; rather, I affirm what they already know deep down.

I have heard you talk about your "peeps", who are they anyway?

My spiritual guides are what I affectionately refer to as "My Peeps." While others may have named guides like Chief Running Bull, Mary, Abraham, or Michael, when I asked mine for their names, they collectively told me to simply call them My Peeps. They bring me joy, are extraordinary healers, and are profound sources of love and vitality. I express gratitude to them daily and feel incredibly blessed to have such loving friends. They have imparted countless words of wisdom that have touched the lives of many people worldwide.

Do you make psychic predictions?

Not always, my messages are not about future predictions.  My way of working with my peeps is different. It's heartwarming when clients tell me that what I've shared has come true. That's like the icing on the cake. But what really gives the cake its flavor and shape are the messages from spirit that my guides bring. If a prediction happens to come through, well, that's just the cherry on top!

What tools do you use in your sessions?

None at all! I don't use tarot cards, although I enjoy playing with them casually and with friends. I don't rely on pictures either; it's not my thing. Exploring metaphysical concepts is a fun pastime for me! When working, I only need the first name of the person involved. If someone prefers not to share their name, that's okay too—energy is energy, regardless.

On my show, many callers changed their names and locations, thinking it was a secret, but energy remains consistent. Whether you use a real or fake name, your messages stay the same. As I always say, "Hey, that's your business, not mine." There are countless methods to receive messages, and none are inherently right or wrong—just what works for you.

How does it work if I'm not there in front of you?

Energy transcends time and space—it doesn't matter where you are physically located. This guides my work every day, especially when I'm delivering messages to people from all corners of the country on air. Many clients actually prefer not sitting face-to-face; they feel more at ease in their own environment.

When clients are comfortable, the messages flow more clearly. It's not about making it easier for me—it's about them being open and receptive in their own space, allowing them to truly listen, not just hear. Whether you're near or far, it's the same for me in delivering insights. Plus, with the price of gas these days, it's a money-saver too! :)

Why do you charge for sessions if you're "of service"?

Because like anyone else, I need to make a living. When you pay for my services, you're compensating me for my time—time that's just as valuable as yours. Just as you earn for the work you do, I too provide a service and earn accordingly. I'm certain that in your own way, you're also offering something valuable and being compensated for your time and expertise. It's an exchange that acknowledges the value of everyone's contributions.

Because you know what you know, is it easier or harder for you when a loved one dies?

That's a great question! The answer is both. Even though I have a strong connection with spirit, I experience the same human feelings and emotions as everyone else. I miss my loved ones just as much as you miss yours. At times, I even wonder if I miss them more because they're so near yet so far. However, when I sense their presence and feel them with me, I realize there's no need to be sad. They aren't far away; they've just changed form, as they've taught me.

A psychic/medium told me once that it was too soon to connect with my mother after she died. Why is that?  I have always heard you say that there is no time and space and can work with them anytime.

Absolutely, I can connect with spirits. I can't speak for how other professionals work; I can only share my own experience. Time isn't a factor for spirits, so it's never made sense to me when mediums say they can't make contact because they're studying or it's too soon. In my years of giving thousands of messages, I've never had a spirit fail to come through.

While you may not always hear what you expect, validations are incredibly meaningful because they affirm the spirit's presence with you. Clients often want to know specific details like the last thing said or a nickname, but spirits may not always respond to those queries. Instead, the validations they provide are often so unique and unexpected that only they could know such "off the wall" details.

If I'm paying you for session, I expect, and want, you to tell me certain things.  Why don't you do that if I am paying you?

Because I don't work on demand, and neither does spirit. You'll receive what you need, not necessarily what you want. If I, (or anyone), could give you all the answers to life's most pressing questions, I'd have a line stretching around the world and a bank account rivaling Oprah's. The messages I deliver are like to going to the dentist for a routine cleaning, but discovering you need an unexpected root canal to address deeper issues. Sometimes, addressing the root problem is essential for comprehensive healing and restoration.

If you're seeking someone to tell you exactly what you want to hear, there are plenty of psychics who will provide that service.

I know you're wrote a couple books?  How do I get them?

I've finished two books, "36 Months" and "Message of the Moment".  Both are available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble online, at select bookstores,  at my events, and through Peeps Publishing.com. I also have two courses available on DailyOM.  Heal Your Inner Child and Talking to Dead People.

You always talk abut being a Rock Star. What band are you and what do you play?

I'm part of the band of LIFE! While I don't play instruments (at least not well—I'm always trying to learn guitar!) and I definitely can't sing, I still belt it out anyway! Many years ago on my show, I told a listener, "You're a ROCK STAR" after they overcame a challenge. Soon after, listeners started emailing and calling me, saying they were writing "I AM A ROCK STAR" on their mirrors in lipstick after showers, on paper at work, and on their car windows in the morning.

My spiritual guides, my Peeps, told me being a ROCK STAR is a state of being—it's a way of life. It means standing in your light, showing up even on tough days, and empowering yourself to be everything you've dreamed of. This affirmation has resonated with listeners of all backgrounds who tune in. It's amazing to see people send me pictures embracing their inner ROCK STAR and affirming their voice and power by living as the ROCK STAR they were born to be.

Why do you always say, "Don't Should On Me"?

Because the word 'should' is incredibly disempowering; it undermines one's voice and freedom of expression. It imposes a sense of wrongness upon individuals when others 'should' upon them or vice versa. I never dictate what someone "should" do because that decision isn't mine to make—or anyone else's, especially not some psychic you've just encountered!

Let's stand up for ourselves and others by banning the word 'should' from our vocabulary. Instead, let's use 'could'. It opens up possibilities and respects individual agency and choice.

What do you want to know?