What was Lisa J. NOW? 

Lisa J. NOW was a live call-in show where Lisa J. was available to offer guidance on personal issues, work-related problems, family conflicts, and other challenges in people's lives. Additionally, Lisa invited bestselling authors, leaders, and motivational guests to the show to provide a wide range of tips and tools aimed at empowering her listeners and viewers.

Can Lisa J. answer just one question that I have off the air? It's short and will only take a second.

Due to the high volume of requests Lisa receives, especially for individual questions, she is unable to respond to everyone. If she answered one question, she would need to answer everyone, which isn't feasible. For medical emergencies, please dial 911 or visit your nearest emergency center. 

Is "Lisa J. NOW!" and are her messages for real or is this just entertainment?

Lisa J. Smith does take her work seriously and is very much for real. She works in the field of motivation/self help and has helped thousands of people. She is also for entertainment purposes and should not be a substitute for medical, emotional, physical or mental care. 

How do I reach Lisa J. Smith if I need guidance or have a question for her?   

Contact her privately at (248) 593-5227 to set up a private phone or personal appointment or click here.

(248) 593-5227                                                                                                                                                                             
