(May not be what you think)

Navigating the Psychic World: Tips and Red Flags:

In my journey through the realm of psychics and intuitive experiences, I've encountered a wide spectrum of practitioners and practices. With years of personal interest and professional involvement, I've learned to distinguish between genuine healers and those who operate from less honorable intentions. Here’s what you need to know to navigate the world of psychics wisely:

Understanding What a Psychic Is (and Isn't):

Firstly, it’s crucial to dispel misconceptions about psychics. They are not all-knowing or infallible fortune-tellers. Like any profession, there are ethical practitioners driven by compassion and a desire to help, as well as those motivated by greed or malice.

Educate Yourself:

Education is your shield in this field. Many misconceptions and stereotypes surround psychics, often perpetuated by negative portrayals in media and pop culture. Knowing what to expect and what to avoid empowers you as a consumer.

Top 10 Red Flags to Watch Out For:

1. Curses and Dark Energies: Any psychic who claims you are cursed or plagued by dark energies is likely manipulating your fears. This fear-mongering tactic is a red flag for unethical practices.

2. Excessive Sessions: Beware of psychics who insist on frequent sessions, claiming you need continuous "cleansing" or "healing." Genuine psychics empower you and aim for your independence, not dependence.

3. Ceremonial Items for Sale: Selling expensive candles or other items to allegedly remove negative energies is often a ploy for profit. True psychic work does not require costly purchases.

4. Bartering for Services: If a psychic requests valuable items or excessive money in exchange for their services, it’s a clear sign of unethical behavior.

5. Exclusive Claims: Claims of possessing the only gift or ability to help you are red flags. Authentic psychics acknowledge that spiritual gifts vary and respect the diversity within their field.

6. Unsolicited Readings: Approaching strangers with unsolicited psychic readings is inappropriate and often indicates a lack of ethical boundaries.

7. Reality vs. TV: Beware of psychics who mimic extravagant portrayals seen on TV. Real psychic work is grounded and ethical, not sensationalized for entertainment purposes.

8. Accuracy Claims: Statements boasting high accuracy rates or claims of being the "best psychic" are subjective and often misleading. Authentic psychics focus on delivering meaningful insights, not self-promotion.

9. Recording Restrictions: Refusal to allow session recordings is suspicious. Legitimate psychics encourage clients to record sessions for their personal reference and reflection.

10. Over-the-Top Displays: Flashy props or theatrical presentations can be distractions. Authentic psychics prioritize substance over style, focusing on the integrity of their messages.

Tips for a Beneficial Experience:

1. Manage Expectations: Approach sessions with an open mind and without rigid expectations. Each psychic brings a unique approach and style to their practice.

2. Prepare Questions: Clarify your intentions and questions beforehand to guide the session effectively. This helps the psychic focus on your specific concerns.

3. Be Open and Honest: Trust is essential for a fruitful session. Avoid testing the psychic or withholding information that could aid in your reading.

4. Value Intuition: Psychic tools like tarot cards or crystal balls are tools, not necessities. Some psychics rely solely on intuition, which can be equally effective.

5. Session Format: Whether in-person or over the phone, the effectiveness of a session transcends physical presence. Trust your intuition to gauge the connection.

6. Research and Review: Read testimonials, research online, and seek referrals from trusted sources to find a psychic whose approach resonates with you.

7. Take Notes or Record: Document insights shared during the session for future reflection. This ensures you capture all pertinent details and validations.

8. Trust Your Gut: If something feels off during the session or in your interactions, trust your instincts. Authenticity and integrity should resonate clearly.

9. Embrace Spiritual Growth: Understand that psychic sessions are not about predicting the future with certainty but about gaining insights and spiritual growth.

10. Self-Empowerment: Ultimately, the best psychics empower you to trust your own intuition and inner wisdom, guiding you to make informed decisions in life.

By navigating the psychic world with awareness and discernment, you can find genuine healers who offer valuable insights and guidance. Remember, your journey towards spiritual understanding and personal growth is a collaborative effort between you and the psychic, rooted in trust and mutual respect.

Written by Lisa J. Smith 

(248) 593-5227